CS177: Introduction to Bioinformatics

Course Homepage: Spring 2006

General Course Information:

Dr. Liliana Florea, Department of Computer Science (florea@gwu.edu)
Dr. Sheri Church, Department of Biology (schurch@gwu.edu)

Office Hours:
Dr. Liliana Florea - Thur 4:00 -- 6:00 pm
Dr. Sheri Church - TBD

Class Time /Place: CS177/144: Mondays, 3:30 – 6:00 pm, Tompkins 405.

Pre-requisites: CSci 151 or CSci 212; BiSc 13- 14. (Spring). Permission from instructors.

Course Description: This course will provide a broad introduction to the area of bioinformatics. Topics include: biochemistry overview, databases, the alignment problem, sequence analysis methods, introductory phylogenetics, use of public databases, and proteins and protein structure-function.

Recommended textbook(s):
- D.W. Mount (2001) Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis. Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press.
- P.G. Higgs and T.K. Atwood (2005) Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution. Blackwell Publishing.

Additional course material will be distributed in class and from the Blackboard course pages.

Lecture schedule:

Page last revised January 22nd, 2006.