Splam's tutorial#

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Splam is a splice site predictor utilizing a deep residual convolutional neural network for fast and accurate evaluation of splice junctions solely based on 400nt DNA sequences around donor and acceptor sites.


Why Splam❓#

  1. We need a tool to evaluate splice junctions & spliced alignments. Thousands of RNA-Seq datasets are generated every day, but there are no tools available for cleaning up spurious spliced alignments in these data. Splam addresses this problem!

  2. Splam-cleaned alignments lead to improved transcript assembly, which, in turn, may enhance all downstream RNA-Seq analyses, including transcript quantification, differential gene expression analysis, and more!

Who is it for❓#

If you are (1) doing RNA-Seq data analysis or (2) seeking a trustworthy tool to evaluate splice junctions (introns), then Splam is the tool that you are looking for!

What does Splam do❓#

There are two main use case scenarios:

  1. Improving your alignment file. Splam evaluates the quality of spliced alignments and removes those containing spurious splice junctions. This significantly enhances the quality of downstream transcriptomes [Link].

  2. Evaluating the quality of introns in your annotation file or assembled transcripts [Link].

Splam is free, it's open source, it's a lightweight deep learning model, and it's in Python!

Main features#

  • Biologically inspired training process: Splam was trained on combined donor and acceptor pairs, emulating the behavior of the spliceosome, with a specific emphasis on a narrow window of 400 base pairs surrounding each splice site. This approach is inspired by the understanding that the splicing process predominantly relies on signals within this specific region.

  • Generalization to non-human species: Splam was trained exclusively using human splice junctions; however, we have demonstrated that it performs well on chimpanzee, mouse, and even the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana.

  • Python & C++ integration: We have taken care of all the engineering work for you! Splam is easy to install and runs efficiently due to its underlying C++ implementation. You can install and run Splam with just one simple command.

  • Run Splam in three steps: With just three lines of code, you can obtain a new alignment file that is cleaned and sorted.

  • Pytorch implementation: Splam is implemented and trained using the popular and reliable PyTorch framework.

What Splam doesn't do#

Splam does not have the feature to scan through the genome and score every potential splice site. Some splice site prediction tools take a DNA sequence and predict the splice sites within it, such as SpliceAI. However, SpliceAI was only trained on a single canonical transcript for each protein-coding gene while disregarding alternative isoforms. Splam takes a different approach, focusing on predicting at the "splice junction level" rather than the "transcript level." Splam was trained on a large collection of human splices sites taken from both "canonical" and alternative isoforms.

Cite us#

Kuan-Hao Chao, Jakob M. Heinz, Celine Hoh, Alan Mao, Alaina Shumate, Mihaela Pertea, and Steven L. Salzberg. "Splam: a deep-learning-based splice site predictor that improves spliced alignments." Genome Biology 25, 243 (2024).

User support#

Please go through the documentation below first. You can find common questions and answers in the FAQ section. If you have questions about using the package, a bug report, or a feature request, please use the GitHub issue tracker here:


Key contributors#

Splam deep residual convolutional neural network was trained using the PyTorch framework by Kuan-Hao Chao. Kuan-Hao Chao also implemented the package that applies Splam to evaluate annotation files and clean up alignment files. Alan Mao benchmarked Splam on non-human species. This documentation was written by Kuan-Hao Chao and Alan Mao.

Table of contents#